September 6, 2008

Ed Rondthaler

Posted in humor, Off-topic, Video at 3:29 pm by India

Ed Rondthaler film still

House Industries is making a film about Ed Rondthaler, founder of Photo-Lettering, Inc., and they’ve posted a short video of him giving a presentation about the nuttiness of English spelling. I saw Mr. Rondthaler do this schtick at TypeCon a few years ago, and somewhere around here I have an entertaining tract that he wrote. He’s a centenarian and so has an awful lot to say; I look forward to the extended version.

(Via Boing Boing.)


  1. Schizohedron said,

    Very nice. I’ll count myself lucky if I have that sort of wit at 72, much less 102.

    I find myself very curious about the writing on the front of his typewriter. Wonder what it says?

  2. Steve Tiano said,

    And wasn’t he in a TV commercial with some other really old folks a while back? Can’t remember what it was for, but I remember being impressed with his voice. Apropos of nothing at all.

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